Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aftermath of Coupon Workshop II

What a great turnout for our second class.  We were so glad to have the new couponers that joined us.  A lot of information was shared - maybe a little too much info - but I hope you were able to follow along and catch a few more nuggets to help you save as you shop.

Thanks Rhonda for giving us all the ins and outs of shopping at CVS.  You can see how shopping at CVS can even help you save gas money by buying things you already are planning on buying - except for all those sweet items maybe.  Don't forget to go to and sign up to get your card to start receiving the benefits of the ECB - extra care bucks.  

As far as Walgreens goes - boy, I had a time trying to explain all their little dos and don'ts.  I wanted so much to tell you everything about it that I probably tried too hard.  Remember to start with just a couple deals and then you will catch on.  I did forget to tell you last night that there is a sequence of handing over your coupons to the cashier that works the best.

First give them all your manufacturer coupons, then their store coupons and then if you are paying with RRs - register rewards - use them last.  Make sure you have the ratio of items and coupons correct - 5 items no more than 5 coupons - and your RRs count as a manufacturer coupon.  If you have more coupons then items just add a cheap filler item and you should be okay. 

Whewwwwwwww!  A lot to learn, I know, but you can do it.  I think of it as a game and some days I play well and other days I don't do so good.  Your time and patience will pay later I promise.  If I can do it - anyone can do it.

Thanks again for coming and when and if we do another class I will certainly let you know.  Remember to sign up as a follower and you will get all the posts sent to your email.

Until later, happy saving!

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