Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday 5/16/12

Hi all, I've been looking over the sales beginning tomorrow at Publix.....looks like a fairly good week out there. I've made a for our church food pantry and one for us.  Couponistas were told we would be receiving  a $100 donation for the Church Food Pantry and I've been putting together a list for the pantry, if you know me, you know I have to have a plan....I HOPE we can turn the $100 donation into at least $175 in value for the pantry, doubling it would be even better!  I've also put a list together for Walmart, I intend to stop there today for a few things.  There are a few FREE items at Walmart ie. Reach floss is rumored to be .86...I've searched for this one before, but I will look again....there is a coup for $1 off from RPlum on 3/04...we'll see, also Sun Drop drinks, 2L $1, coup for $1 off from SS 5/6 makes that free.  Gain Dish washing liquid is 9 oz. for .97, coup for 1/1 in Ebony magazine.  Suave Naturals Shampoo & conditioners are .96, coup for .50 off 1 makes those .46.  Nivea Creme lotion 2oz is $1.97, $2 off coup from RP 4/29 makes that free.  Now remember, I have not done any of these, I just plan to check them out today and see if they are for real.

I will also be putting together a list for Winn Dixie for us and the Food Pantry.  I want to make sure we get the best values for the $$.  By shopping all 3 stores, that should be doable.

FYI on FB under Vidalia Onions, there is a coupon for .50 off 5# of Vidalia Onions.

For us True Blue Truvia users......There is a store coupon in the Yellow Publix flier that ends on 5/18 for $1 off and .75/1 mfg coupons out there making those $2.24 per package.  Not too bad.

Okay, heading out today to do errands and will stop by Walmart to see what I can stir up.  If you find things that everyone wants to know about, please let us know and we will share it!

God Bless and happy couponning!    Rhonda Goff

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